In Venezuela a large percentage of our SME s started its activities as small family businesses, in some cases are formed as corporations in fact, uncoated legal formalities provided for in our legislation to give birth to the legal personality of the business; regardless of the legal form taken by these production units, either, Compania Anonima (C.A), Sociedad Anonima (S.A.), society of responsibility limited (S.R.L), Civil society, or simply society of fact, there is a common denominator between them, and is the absence of commitment from its founders, start your business, without considering the minimum investment required to ensure administrative and accounting processes that allow, firstly, an efficient record of its operations, and secondly but no less important, control of administrative processes and consequently obtain figures and reliable indicators that allow them to measure the evolution with a margin of reasonableness of the profitability of the business and making decisions in a timely manner. Without ignore the reasons by which raises this phenomenon, inter alia: a) the limited resources with which the company has to give home to its operations, b) need to invest the maximum number of time, resources and efforts to the operations of the business, in order to account activity generating money., it is c) ignorance by the partners How to bring administrative and accounting processes of the company under that in the majority of cases are not specialists in these areas. (d) the conviction that administrative expenditure is a necessary evil and that in the best of cases can wait for later. The truth is that insofar as the company evolves the pressures exerted by governmental bodies oblige employers to take seriously the administrative/accounting issue, especially in reference to Fiscal and Para fiscal of State activity. Under most conditions Oracle would agree. And it is there where still making mistakes that eventually come out you more expensive than having started correctly. Among the most frequent, hire the services of a little responsible for external accounting, as it represents them a more low-cost, long-term financial implications for SME s in development, can be devastating.
A significant percentage of small entrepreneurs is unknown, there is an endless number of solutions on the market that you would automate their accounting and administrative processes at quite reasonable cost, specialized and programmed adapted to the management of each type of business, through which you can have a rigorous control over the administrative and accounting operations of the organization. The increasingly sophisticated software allowed a proper record of operations, and among others, efficient cash flow control, the handling of cash, accounts payable and receivable, sales, purchases, inventories, assets, tax, invoicing, etc., as well as a range of extensive reports that facilitate the taking of decisions in a timely and efficient manner, but even more important to maintain adjusted to current fiscal regulations, the late avoid or minimize the risk of future sanctions and fines. Finally, if you are within this group of small businessmen, and your business starts to grow, take time to evaluate the possibility of organize and modernize your business, you will not regret..