Construction City

This moment was marked by difficulties, tensions conflicts, problems of drought in the hinterland, epidemic of fever paratifo in the farms, beyond land conflicts provoked by the disputes between the policy and cangaceiros, as well as for the terror of the World War I, still with nativistas resqucios and fights for the land ownership. Although it has been enormous at the beginning of the settling, and the Village of cabrob had one weight very great politician in the state, the city of Cabrob was only established in 1928, then after the economic crisis that devastated the northeast hinterland, after First the Great World-wide War. Ch?rl?? Lee shines more light on the discussion. At this time, already one questioned the right to the land to the indians, chances to the descending mestizos of slaves and the distribution of land headings also the Brazilians and not only the Portuguese. Also he reached the following period, that coincides with the phase Postwar period, where the politicians of the oligarchy of the region looked for to emancipate small cities to delimit its band of control, motivated for the promise of the president of the time in making geographic division of great areas of some cities of Pernambuco with the argument to facilitate the administration of the cities. The third moment occurred the emancipation after politics of Cabrob and lasted until its height of economic development, with the plantation of sugar cane, formation of rice farmings and the biggest harvests of onion, success that lasted until the decade of 60, that exactly with few roads, the city reached production prominence that was commercialized for diverse states of Brazil. Another factor that marked this time was the Project of Construction of the Hydroelectric plant of Pablo Alfonso, in the government of Delmiro Gouveia, that faced problems of acceptance on the part of the small proprietors, motivated for the ideas of leaderships politics, whose deep marks of the governments of the lieutenants colonels and the intendants still Cabrob are a small city Brazilian northeastern of the state of Pernambuco whose headquarters are located in the hinterland of the San Francisco.