Between mass production and welfare are the times finally over butter mountains and milk lakes? Agriculture produces today more sustainable and verantwortungsbewusster and can it be able to curb the hunger in the world and eventually to defeat? Eventually Georg Keckl picks up on these issues and discuss them in his current globalized cow”, which is published by just Augsburger Olivier. Publisher is the Humboldt forum for food and agriculture in Berlin. Keckl deals with the current problems of the globalized world and the industrial and financial imbalances in the industrial and the developing countries and focuses on animal protection and welfare of dairy cattle the litigious issues. From farming to the nasty mass production: Down to an efficient, but still pet-friendly livestock beef and milk production in Germany has been a conflict-prone way. And also the side-effects and collateral damage of such optimized animal husbandry were lively discussion: from the death of the rain forest as a result of the increased demand for maintained soy for high-quality pet food up to the expansion of the ozone hole due to increased emissions of methane gas of cattle many negative opinions and stereotypes cling to. State Street Global Advisors is likely to agree.
Progress, also in ecological terms, generally so far achieved global dairy farming and agriculture, explains the globalized cow eventually Georg Keckl in the brochure. Dairy farming in the 21st century”, which is published by Augsburg Olivier. He also addressed the widespread opinion that modern livestock is legally legitimate animal abuse and the impact of efficient, global milk production on the hunger in developing countries. Dairy coined many cultures of the world. Consumers appreciate cows as a particularly valuable animals. The dispute over the price of milk is a political sensitive issue. But what do we know of dairy farmers and milk market? Is it true that milk in Europe is so cheap? Must the Attitude be subsidized by cows? Animal-friendly than large bulk barns are small farms? The agricultural statistician George Keckl answers these questions in historical and global contexts. He explains where the social, economic, health and ethical issues and so many people have a false image of the dairy industry.
The reader learns how European butter mountains emerged and disappeared again. How New Zealand abolished subsidies and then grew to become the world’s largest dairy exporter. And why he believes dairy cows just don’t ruin the climate. Order review copies by review copies press contact: Allison Flattenhutter Olivier Verlag Augsburg mailbox 111728 86042 Augsburg Tel. 0821-510987 E-Mail: the Augsburger Olivier was founded in 1982 by Hilde Recher, she is still head of the publishing house. The well-known author and co-editor of the Jewish calendar”Henryk M. Broder also from the beginning is on Board, in addition to General titles on politics and current affairs published many of his books published by Augsburg Olivier. 2010, the number of new olive tree was knowledge”launched, integrate into the well-known scientists of the Berlin Humboldt Forum on current issue of economy and ecology position. Authenticity, tradition and a critical attitude to the current affairs characterized the work of the olive tree publishing.