Dan Project

Here is a kind of questionnaire, divided into different elements that are divided into subcajas with many elements in its interior that Dan is about values. He ponders the different elements of the environment to reach a global impact. It is given to each element a weight by referring to a panel of experts for a very specific case (Delphi method). This method was devised for hydraulic works (weightings made for this type of work). Therefore, if the project is modified, the weightings should be different. The next step is to give a number to each of the elements. Value 1 maximum possible environmental quality, value 0 is intolerable environmental quality. You are assessed the environmental impact with project without project, net change and there is a fourth column with warning signs (to not dilute the seriousness of a particular impact).

To give these values must define a function that allows to relate the environmental variable with values 0 or 1 (environmental quality). Quality. 1. Environmental Variable x. Quality 0 X environmental Variable quality 0 X environmental Variable for each impact that occurs is usually complete a form with the following information: 1. actions of the project that produced it. 2 Location.

3. Description of the alteration. 4. Characterization. 5. Impact: compatible, severe, critical, etc. 6. Indicators: that allow to measure the impact during the follow-up phase. 7. Relationship to other alterations. Corrective measures. He is measures which are made on the project with the object of (1): avoid, reduce, modify, cure or compensate for the effect of the project on the MA (lowering the intolerable impacts and minimize all in general). or take better advantage of opportunities provided by the media for the best success of the project. Corrective measures should not become alibi for the acceptance of any project, on the idea that the impacts will be overlooked with the corrective measure. It is always preferable to avoid the impact that correct it. According to certain criteria, we can have the following types of remedial measures (which may occur both in the phase of construction, operation or abandonment): Minimizadoras or precautionary: dedicated especially to alterations within the project (and to do). Corrective: those that are generated to avoid impacts after the development of the project. Compensatory: unavoidable impacts (heh, heh) that will be compensated in other areas (restoring what was destroyed in another place, provided this is possible). These types of measures we can suggest the following policy instruments: performances in the design and location of the project: project change. Selection guidelines and procedures for developing the work: options in the project (materials, dates of completion, etc.) specific actions within the project. A very important aspect of the corrective measures is the cost of them, since such costs is not marginal with respect to the substantive work and can produce strong anomalies, so it is important to consider as soon as possible. But not only is important to take into account the viability from the economic point of view but also the technical, economic, efficiency (reduce the impact) /eficiencia (cost/impact), ease of implementation and maintenance control (given that normally measures implemented once abandon). Corrective measures should specify, at a minimum, the following aspects: definition of the measure. Target (affected systems and types of impacts). Parameters (representativeness, reliability, reduced and easily measurable number).