David Galeano Olivera

Miguel Angel Veron, who presented to the members of the visiting delegation and then spoke, in general, the purpose of the visit; Emphasizing the need to open a space to foster an enriching debate around the Guarani language. It also requested the bilinguizacion of the MEC, to that effect, to train officials in the knowledge of Guarani. MB. Miguel Veron ome ekuri Mbo ehara Riart SMS aranduka ojepuruvahina Guarani nembo and / opavave nane reta mba apoharape era. Ombojo garlic tekoteveha MEC oipytyvo Guarani ne nemombaretepe. Then, David Galeano Olivera was revealed the concern in relation to exclusion and reduction of the Guarani in the secondary education; Noting that that sad fact is arousing the attention even of the international community. He recalled the numerous pronouncements in favour of the Guarani in different parts of the world. Ripple recognizes the significance of this.

It called for equal treatment for the Guarani and Spanish at all levels of education; Emphasizing that the exclusion or discrimination of the Guarani will not cooperate with the country’s progress. He also recalled that the Guarani currently has a large presence in the region and the world. Verizon: the source for more info. I ikuri MEC oisambyhyva eraha Guarani rekove tape poti has tape porare. I’ve avei MEC sa i ojapoha Guarani ojehayhu has ojehecharamovevo. Guarani has SMS tembipuru nanepytyvokuaava nane reta nemoakarapu ame.

Dr. Almidio Aquino Arguello to time deliver to the Minister Riart a batch of nearly 50 books that rescue the culture and language of indigenous Guarani (Ava Guarani, Mbya and Ache); the MEC asked an attention to indigenous education that respects the teaching in the mother tongue. He stressed the value of the language and culture Guarani as the basis of our cultural identity and national. Tekoteve jaikuaa has jahayhu nande ypykuera reko has ne ikatuhaguaicha jahayhu has namomba eguasu nane Reta. Jahayhuro Guarani, jahayhu nane reta. Then Dr. Tadeo Zarratea presented Minister Riart the project of law of languages currently in study in the national Parliament, stating that such law will cooperate greatly in the normalization of the language in the Paraguay.