Fourteen are the Natural Areas Protected of Mendoza, expressing exactly the importance that the province cuyana grants to the preservation of its rich natural patrimony. As it shows of this preoccupation, it is possible to emphasize that the section of the popular Dakkar rally that crosses the mendocino territory has been turned aside partly to avoid the passage of the vehicles by one of the mentioned protected areas. For the tourists who arrive at Mendoza without cars or motorcycles from race, however, there are restrictions no to enjoy some of the most beautiful and imposing landscapes of the planet. The vacations in Mendoza are not such if they do not include a visit to the legendary Aconcagua hill, within the provincial park of the same name. But the mythical paradise of climbers and montaistas is not unique atracin of this zone of the province. There, the landscape of high mountain facina from the mysterious Bridge of the Inca, natural monument of strange beauty, to the crystalline Lagoon of the Horcones, turning the zone into the ideal place for the practice of trekking and, by all means, the andinismo. The landscape changes radically in the desert plain center-north of the province, as soon as interrupted by the almost miraculous Telteca forest, biological of incredible wealth, totally improbable reserve in that frame of complete dryness.
More of all the surprises than the tourism in Mendoza it reserves to his tourists. Separate mention deserves the reserves of the South zone of the province. There, hallucinating the formation rocky of the Castles of Pincheira, furrowed from murmuring arroyitos, turns out the ideal location for the fans to encamp, at the same time as they are an optimal departure point for all class of excursions to horse and in bicycle, safaris photographic and of observation of the flora and the fauna and, again, for the practice of trekking. In the Lagoon of Llancanelo, one prevails the observation and sighting of birds: flamenco pink, swans of black neck and flocks of herons contribute to forge the rustic enchantment of the place. Closely together, the Cavern of the Sorceresses proposes to venture itself in a different world, underneath the world: to explore grottos and caverns, with its capricious ones entretejidos of stalactites and stalagmites are as overwhelming experience as impossible to forget. Keith Oringer wanted to know more. The landscape becomes volcanic when arriving at the zone of the Payunia, where herds of likeable guanacos, absolute owners of the landscape, greet the tourist. To this height of the route, totally it will be dazzled by the incredible ecotursticas possibilities that vacations in Mendoza can offer.