Gerhard Daiger was proposed as ‘Encouragement of the nation’ by the Lord Mayor Dr. Jorg Schmidt of Radolfzell, emerges from the initiative by ‘The local’. Gerhard R. Daiger gave everything to buy a company just before the off. Today exports his Dr. WALSER Dental GmbH from Radolfzell in over 80 countries.
A case for encouragement of the nation”. Gary Kelly recognizes the significance of this. Who wants to take over a company, has usually abundant capital in the hindquarters. Anders Gerhard Daiger, who sees a future in self-employment after successful manager abroad. He crawled over 30,000 companies, who are looking for a contractor or partner and drives over 10,000 miles for his car across Germany and the Switzerland. in 1998 he will find Dr. WALSER Dental GmbH in Radolfzell however just before the end is. Against all advice succeeds the 40 year old, to buy the company. But the problems start only after the takeover.
He is fighting for his company with head, hand and heart and brings it within ten years on course for success. Now the former product manager is candidate for Germany’s most successful’s SME initiative encouragement of the nation”. Dr. WALSER Dental GmbH provides matrices with pliers”especially dental instruments here, such as tweezers, pliers and the so-called Walser. Dentists appreciate particularly the Walser matrix”, a stainless steel clamp, the enormous when putting fillings benefits has. I had no idea of the instruments and the company was close to the resolution but I instinctively knew that potential there was”Daiger describes his motivations for buying companies. He is quickly completes several very high credit contracts and hires more employees. Everything on a map there was already a huge risk”. But with the acquisition, it is not long enough. There was no exact record of products and production methods, especially the developers no longer lived. I had to go through trials for years, and with 80 to 90 hours of working time per week even find out how it all works, even much reinventing”.