This long absence caused breaks up it of the real authority and feudal reinforcement you. After, we had more spallings of the authority with the reign of Joo without-land? brother of Ricardo, being obliged for the nobility to sign a document (great letter) limiting its authority. Enrique III son and successor of Joo without-land faced the opposition of the nobility that instigated the population to defend the installation of a parliament, which who would be the front would be bourgeois, clergy aristocracy. As we can see the end of the absolutism in England if it gave for the spalling of the power, however without for at risk the territorial unit, he is curious to consist that exactly under the limitation of the real power, the existence of the parliamentarism, we historically have a more powerful country of the Europe, to apartir of century XVI. Until today, England is a parlamentarista monarchy (Been where the sovereign is monarch). The strongest theory politics of the absolutism comes of the French philosophy Jean Bondin (1530 – 1596) said: ' ' the governments are submitted to the law divina' ' ideas spread out in the average age; bondin until recognized that the prince had the moral duty to respect the treat ones that signed, but did not recognize no form of parliament. Therefore, the state absolutist the law was not same for all the families of ' ' blood azul' ' , of the nobility, they had privileges special guaranteed by the law. The kings were not chosen by the people, after all, the State Absolutist nothing had of democratic. The nobility if it puted in charge to choose the king who, a crowned time became to be able absolute. Many times, the aristocratic families if digladiavam to decide who would choose the king absolutist. We indicate this summary, to the academics of the course of History, to the professors and the too much pupils and or academics who want to enrich its knowledge how much the age of the absolutism.