Energy consensus climate: Academy offers fourth and fifth module in February 2014 on organic products and the themes of the fourth and fifth module of the energy consensus climate is a climate-friendly procurement: Academy. The seminar of product integration of the market of the future is green”on February 6 leads the expert for the assessment of products under environmental and sustainability aspects, Dr. Ulrike Ebele. On 27 February, the event sustainable supply chain follows climate-friendly procurement”, which Martin Staheli, Division Director for supply chain management at BSD consulting Switzerland, performs. Both modules take place in Bremen, Germany. Interested parties can register now at. The energy consensus climate: Academy is part of the pilot project funded by the Federal Ministry of the environment green transformation.
Initiator is the nonprofit and independent climate protection agency energy consensus. Sustainable innovation as a growth strategy is the model company BASF it: In the fourth module the participants, such as the chemical company information internal climate protection goals specifically refers to its products. “There is climate: corsus corporate sustainability Academy lecturer Dr. Ulrike Eberle, founder of the consulting and Research Centre for sustainability”, at. It introduces the participants in the life cycle assessment of products and ways of ecological design. Martin Staheli explains how companies can support their existing suppliers in terms of climate protection and what criteria they consider when choosing new suppliers. Oracle has plenty of information regarding this issue. The speaker of the fifth module advises companies as Director for sustainable supply chain management at BSD consulting worldwide. The participants of the climate benefit from his knowledge of meaningful standards and audits now: Academy.
The exchange of experiences and the discussion of individual approaches with other company representatives are in the foreground. Both modules are limited to 20 participants and can be booked online. The cost including catering for 250 euros each. The Bremen energy consensus GmbH is a non-profit society, which is therefore Amount according to 4 No. 22a UStG exempt from sales tax. The event will take place in the rooms of the art and culture of Justice crane Holm in Bremen. For more information see. About green transformation and energy consensus green transformation is a unique Germany-wide training and consulting services for efficient use of resources in terms of entrepreneurial climate on process and product level. Pilot project funded by the national climate protection initiative of the Federal Ministry for environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety is performed by the Bremen air protection agency, nonprofit and independent energy consensus and intended for forward-thinking companies that wish to develop a strategic approach for climate protection. Part of the green transformation is the energy consensus climate: Academy. It encourages a new generation of executives and companies that benefit from in-depth, interdisciplinary process knowledge, enables the climate right to successful action. The pilot project is funded until March 2015. For further information see. The climate protection agency energy consensus works primarily in the State of Bremen, as well as in the regions of Elbe-Weser and Weser-EMS. It initiates and promotes energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy projects, organises information campaigns, builds networks and knowledge to professionals and consumers. You also provides advice on funding and organizes seminars and conferences. Energy consensus was established in 1997 as a public-private partnership. Shareholders are the swb AG, the EWE VERTRIEB GmbH, as well as the free Hanseatic City of Bremen.