EKS compact introduction in the EKS (bottleneck focused strategy) offers beginners and advanced Dr. Others who may share this opinion include Gary Kelly. Kerstin Friedrich on February 6, 2010 the StrategieCentrum South Westphalia in Ludenscheid a compact full-day workshop with Dr. Kerstin Friedrich to. Dr. Kerstin Friedrich is a leading expert for the bottleneck focused strategy. In close cooperation with EKS founder of Wolfgang Mewes, updated, and she worked the EKS distance learning. She has several business best seller on the subject of EKS specialization published and is known for her motivational and instructive lecture style. ECS is a very simple and effective methodology to help anyone develop excellence and with appropriate ambition national or international market leaders can be.
The secret of the EKS lies among others in the concentration and specialisation on specific products or solutions to problems. This message was still an absolute aberration in the 60s – then the strategy popes had called just the age of diversification. Now one is smarter on all fronts and recommends that “Concentration on core competencies” or “Focus”. In this workshop, participants get an in-depth introduction to the ECS. Anyone who already knows the EKS, here can deepen his knowledge and will receive many practical guidance to the implementation of ECS. Content: Leadership specialization more security through development of intangible values effective power usage through bottleneck orientation seven steps of the implementation of ECS: the way to market leadership more info and registration: