In the life we also carried out encounter and mix-ups. Constant form we know new people, nevertheless, are very few the stable contacts that remain from the childhood to the oldness. The love invites to perseverar as much in the scope of the friendship like in the one of a sentimental relation. In fact, if we let ourselves take by the pride we would frequently throw the towel to first of change. We would not have the capacity to excuse, to pardon or to begin of zero.
Perseverar is worth the trouble until certain point within concrete limits otherwise, in the end, somebody can have the sensation to be sticking blows on the head against a wall when not obtaining different fruits in a friendship or in a relation. Sometimes, the people we think that everything depends on us when in fact in any type of bond is required of the constant work of two wills, that is to say, must exist a reciprocity feeling in which a person must take care of to another one and worry about her. When the balance is not balanced over the years is broken. time that can last an unbalanced relation depends indeed on the degree of great imbalance or weighs that it exists. As much the friendship as the love is essential in sequence to the happiness. But sometimes, some people tend to lie frequently. The lie takes place according to the experts from fear of hurting to the other or to defend the image of which we projected on the others.
But in a sentimental relation lies exist that are more wounding. The infidelity is a lie form that hurts. The lie is for this reason through the concealment in many occasions, some boys and also small, they avoid to tell that they have pair to seduce a new conquest. In this way, the person feels like wound when finding out that over the years she has been used of egoistic form. The danger of the lies is indeed that sometimes we played with the feelings of the others without giving us account which we would have to deal with to the others just as we would like that they tried to us. Something that is born from the lie or the concealment cannot arrive a good port just as either does not grow a friendship based on the utility. For that reason, sometimes, the moment arrives for saying goodbye. The moment arrives for watching after one same one far from the other in a bet by the personal happiness. Somebody can arrastrarte towards the mistaken place but then you must of being conscious that you are letting yourself drag. That is to say, you are responsible in this contaminated game for the love or the friendship. On the contrary, to put point and end to which it does not make you feel well only depends on you.