Growth Exports

For example when it is exported jurdicos professional services or of lawyers are clear that we are before an assumption of exportacin of services of consultora. These services are very important to export since the right of the different S-states different, consequently is clear that without these services hara very difficult to export or abrir to branches, for example sera abroad very complex a Spanish company abrir a branch in the Peruvian state. These services are very important because thanks to the same, that is to say, exportacin of services of consultora the companies tend to the development, in a world-wide scene in which slo can remain in the market the efficient companies and not them companies that they have prdidas. 19 SUGGESTIONS After to have developed to the trmino exports and formulated salary conclusions we presented/displayed suggestions in the following trminos: 1) It is necessary to stimulate the exports and to discourage the imports in the different states. Since first they improve the national market whereas second they seriously harm the development of the different national markets from pas or been or nacin that matters. Consequently it is clear that the rule must be exportacin and the exception must be the import.

2) It must consider the exports for the growth of the companies. That is to say, they are very useful for the growth of the companies mainly when the goods or services that take place arrive at other markets. 3) All type of company, that is to say, whatever size of the same must be stimulated the exports in. Because the exports are not exclusive of the great companies, but they can export all type of companies. That is to say, many people think about mistaken form that slo can or must export the companies of great dimensions or great companies or great corporations, which is necessary to put record that is incorrect. .