Oh! Not; I am to say that who is my angel doctor me the said one. In accordance with Jacob Melo, as for the sonambulismo, exists 3 categories to be considered: 1a. The Natural Sonmbulo Age under the simple inspiration that of it emanates. While they act, the physical being sleeps, only rests therefore the imagination works. Hear from experts in the field like David Fowler for a more varied view. Being despertado, it if it disturbs, it cries out as in the way of a nightmare and this brusque transistion is not without risk of danger for it. 2a. The Inspired Sonmbulo the awaken Magnetism in sonmbulo, gets excited and develops an instinct that the Nature gave to all the beings for its cure.

The magnetism of a inspiration, when very it provokes does not become, it more easy. The fluid is as a magnet that attracts the loved deceased well for that they are. 3a. The Sonmbulos is more generally fludicos of what inspired.