Of talforma that it is impossible to work to want itself to respect all the instructions. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Eric Kuby. Assuming to organize the work, the lapsings of the organization trabalhoconduzem of it to the times to disorganize it (DEJOURS, 1992, P. 07). From it speaks of the author, one perceives it practical relevance of one voltadapara the experiences of the citizen in its environment of work, therefore the worker is in such rotinaque if auto-he affirms while person and if projects for the vidasocial. 2.3 The Conception of Occupational Health the great advance in the existing relation between work and health/doenaaconteceu at the time of the Industrial Revolution in which detrabalho in environments dispossessed had long days to working activities. As Minayo-Go’mez and Thedim (1997) in the principle searched-sediagnosticar the .causing illness and its agents e, at last, to medicalizar.
With otempo one perceives that only this was not enough. It was transferred, then, to perceive adoena of the work evaluated through the medicine and of ambient factors, comoum joint of factors that risk the health of the worker, that is, social oscontextos, together with the production relations, are seen as possveiscausadores of damages to the health. The author characterizes the factor health/dotrabalhador illness as multicausal, for the fact to come across each time more different and decurrent comsituaes and occupational illnesses of the exposition dostrabalhadores the diverse risks. The occured changes in the environment of work, the principle, visamexclusivamente to the increase of the productivity and not accurately to dotrabalhador well-being. As example, Dejours, Abdoucheli and Jayet (1993) they describe the interest in improving oambiente of work, as directed in first place to the development dasempresas. After all, from the Medicine of the Work the figure of the doctor foiimposta in the companies the end to detect the harmful processes to the health, with an individual visobiolgica and, what it differentiates it of the Psicodinmica of the Work quepossui its focus of intervention in the collective of the work.