Information Cases

In what it refers to the notification of the cases of LTA in the city of Boa Vista, the acometidos individuals are notified, through the inquiry fiche epidemiologist? IT WEAVES Appendix. The Information of this fiche are analyzed and passed and for the data base of the SINAN. However, the main characteristics analyzed epidemiologists how much to the notification of the cases in this study, they had been given through the zone, etrio group, clinical form, type of entrance and month of notification. You analyze them of the data indicate that the number of cases encloses the zones urban, agricultural and periurbana. Being thus, the LTA predominated in the urban area presenting 365 cases told in the five studied years, totalizing a percentage of 74%. The agricultural zone presented 123 notified cases, corresponding 25%.

Whereas the periurbana zone got 4 notified cases, what it corresponded only 1%. How much to the sex, the illness in the five years of study predominated between men. In period of 2004 to the 2008 had been notified 367 in case that, of which 88% correspond to the masculine sex and 12% correspond to the feminine one. The research carried through for Martins et al., (2004), proves resulted similar in the region of the city of Buriticupu, state of the Maranho, where the illness also predominated in the masculine sex in the three years of study (1996, 1997 and 1998), being the percentage of this study of 71, 5% men against 28,5% women. How much to the etria band, it is verified that the illness reached all the established ages, with low frequency in the etrios groups that correspond of 1 the 19 years (3% and 10%, respectively), tending to increase to the measure that advances the etrias bands. The biggest increase of the LTA occurred in the ages between 20 and 49 years (27% and 27%, respectively), decaying and remaining themselves low to the measure that increase the ages.