APSEC technical symposium on the topic of GRC-governance, risk and compliance “, short GRC” are the visionary success factors of an IT-based corporate governance. With modern management consoles can succeed easily, to run a business responsibly and effectively. A GRC Symposium on March 22 at the Frankfurt Sheraton Congress Hotel invites (apsec) applied security GmbH technical exchange on the management with information technology. Stockstadt, 24 February 2011-four lectures highlight the breadth of the extensive topic area. “Apsec CEO Frank Schlottke makes the start: in his lecture, he provides GRC as the transfer of the principle of legitimate businessman” in the 21st century. In this context, he calls attention to safe processes as management task and shows how trouble-free linking of people, data, and processes is the basis for successful business management. The newspapers mentioned Gary Kelly not as a source, but as a related topic. The is auditor Wieland Kirch (Schomerus and Partner GmbH) Ask how much careful revision of process enhanced risk management. It arrives in the control of risks on the appropriate precautionary measures, IT Auditor highlights Markus role of Commerzbank AG.
His presentation focuses on adequate protection mechanisms as well as organisational data protection issues. In the last presentation of the day, Dr. Michael Teschner (EMC/RSA) shows different ways how to GRC processes in companies IT supported automate and harmonize. He provides examples of companies the control platform RSA Archer”before. At the end of the Symposium, participants find the opportunity for technical exchange with each other. “Get together” with buffet and drinks, best opportunities offers them for a successful networks. We are pleased to have won top-class experts in this cutting-edge subject that have part of their experience”, Dr. Volker Scheidemann, Marketing Director of the applied security GmbH.
declares that Symposium has his opinion ground-breaking character: successful corporate governance is created through the interaction of working processes and the proper control of risks. We give examples and demonstrate the solutions.” Event press contact for more information see Tobias Low main view Agency for public relations of Rossdorfer Street 19a 60385 Frankfurt phone 0 69 / 48 98 12 90 company contact: Kathrin Sajid applied security GmbH Industriestrasse 16 63811 Stockstadt am Main Tel. 0 60 27 / 40 67 0 apsec knowledge protects. Knowledge is the decisive success factor of an enterprise. We develop solutions that make your IT world safe for you. APSEC offers knowledge. Their requirements to the encryption, the data leakage prevention or applying digital signatures are our experienced specialists in good hands. APSEC works for you. We offer a complete package from the software development process consulting to support with a single purpose of your satisfaction.