Jack Nicholson Social

A voice so consecrated as Ruben Blades arrive until the nights of the Forum the next 14 Saturday, filling the stage with Panamanian aires.Panamanian Aires in the nights of the singer Forum will offer a live singing and urban stories, accompanied by Roberto Delgado Orchestra of Panama. Ruben Blades has recorded more than 20 albums as a solo artist, has participated as an actor in 26 films with Richard Pryor, Whoopi Goldberg or Jack Nicholson, has collaborated on more than 15 albums as a guest and has won four Grammy Awards. But its activity is not only artistic. This urban poet of salsa’s submitted to presidential elections in Panama in 1994 with the purpose of fighting against social injustice and defend social, ethnic and cultural minorities. His life and his music are filled with this philosophy. The Diputacion de Huelva offers a free bus service to the headquarters of the Forum, which will depart as each year from the door of our Hotel Monte Conquero, one of the Hotels in Huelva best located in the city. The output of the same will be at 21,15 hours and 21,45 hours, returning at the end of show.