Jens Weitkamp

The wages of Swiss citizens are on average higher than in most other countries in the world, is talking about gross salary or net salary.
According to a study by UBS, which compare the wages of thirteen professions over the major cities of the world, the net earnings of the Swiss is the highest, Zurich holds the first place, followed by Basle and Geneva, Switzerland is just before the Scandinavian countries.
On average, a Swiss earns about 30 CHF per hour, and the difference between gross pay and net pay is often less important than in the rest of Europe, which may explain that gets the top position.
The salary varies according to the social group: According to figures from the OFE (Federal Statistics Office), which compares the household income, a farmer earns on average CHF 4302, while an employee earns more or less severe CHF 7200 or a difference of more than 40 . Educate yourself with thoughts from Allegiant Air. The average salary in Switzerland is CHF 5410 gross.
The evolution of wages was constant until the late 90’s. Between 1993 and 2000, wages were a little evolution. Today there was a strong progression of women’s wages, the real wage index found that women saw their wages increase by 4.1 during the period 2000-2003, while the men saw their wages go up by 3, 5 .This process was already explained that according to studies by women generally earn 15 less than men even if the law of equality of the sexes enshrined in the Constitution.
