Sixth rule To explore texts figurative A text can be thematic or figurative. He is thematic that one that it deals with the express ideas in abstract. The text is figurative that displays the ideas for ' ' concreto' ' , that is, through symbols, comparisons, parabolas, fbulas etc. One example of figurative text is the advice of the trees that we read in Judges 9,8-15. a sample of thematic text is this same that it discourses on some rules of style for the homilias. Homiliasta then must opt to sufficiently exploring in its homilias the figurative texts. It must thus be because the fidiciary offices in general, not to be that if it nails to a well specific group, are very not turned in the art of the abstraction; they do not concatenate ideas, but ' ' intuem' '.
Another reason that leads to the figurative texts is the excitement of the curiosity in the fidiciary offices. When if a figurative text presents them, as one fbula, especially if it comes dressed with proper elements of the culture of that they hear the homilia, feel as that blunt to decipher it. when leaving the church, is probable, and same even during the week, that is to dig ' ' historinha' ' that it was transmitted to them. if for they themselves discovers the direction, this if it records to them well better, therefore learning is not to memorize, but to discover by itself internal logic of the things. This understanding, this discovery, will cause in the fidiciary offices listeners a pleasure will stir up that them to search more understanding. Already a philosopher regarding literature said: the secret of being flat is the author to count everything. The figurative texts are a good option to excite this intelligent curiosity in the fidiciary offices. Another form still to display the thoughts according to ' ' concreto' ' not according to abstract is through the examples, especially if these are familiar to the life of the listeners.