Kabbalah Nature

Moreover, Baal HSulam affirmed that, of not being able to find other reasons that drive our actions, we will end up immersed in the most absolute chaos. The political turmoil that we will arrive will lead to fascist regimes that will lead to a nuclear conflict: a third and even a fourth world war. And although these predictions, when they were written 60 years ago, looked wild, today seem to us too reasonable to ignore them. According to Kabbalah, the crisis cannot be defined as the collapse of the financial system. The current crisis is not neither more nor less than a symptom of our inherent nature selfish.

Therefore, the solution not only to this but to all crises, passes by changing our selfish nature to another more altruistic and cooperative. After all, there is an only problem that does not have its origin that our selfish nature. Every action that we undertake is directed to produce some type of benefit. It is a natural trait in us. However, if we could change the orientation of our own to a profit profit shares collective, then we would not only give place to an inherently supportive society, but that also the well-being of each individual within it would be guaranteed by that same group. I.e. we would not succeed by ourselves, the total of society would deal with us, and we, in turn, us some of it. In such a society all regulatory mechanism, the armed forces, the enforcement of laws or tax collection, would become unnecessary.

There would be no crime because no one would like to inflict damage on others. On the contrary, people only wish to share and give. Naturally, a lot of people and resources would be released and available to devote their efforts to companies which contribute socially. And within a period of a few years the world would have changed so much that, to look back and remember the days of exploitation, we reach not understand how we could be so blind. However, to change human nature intrinsically selfish to another more unitary, we need a method that is foreign to us. So we will make sure that does not depend on or connected with our current selfish behavior. And it is here where the wisdom of Kabbalah can help us. Kabbalah is a science that employs the systemic structures in nature about individuals at a particular level and throughout human society in general. In the whole of nature, human beings are the only ones with a selfish behavior. Atoms, molecules, cells, organs all cooperating systems superior to them inside. The same applies to plants and animals. Everything in nature fits perfectly in the place where it belongs inside the system. Everything except the man. We could ask ourselves: then why have been built differently from the system? And the answer is because this is the only way we learn about the system while we we find ourselves inside the purpose of our life is not to dominate others, but understand and consciously integrate ourselves within this nature that all-encompassing. The wisdom of Kabbalah is the wisdom of the unification. Their techniques allow us to learn gradually what is the place we occupy in the universe, and step by step leads us to our total union with him.