
Pay-as. Always rely on worst-case scenario of execution of your order. All that can be spoiled, they will spoil. That it is impossible – too spoiled. Never pay advertisers to come. To them it does not sing. Costs.

There are many. Do not these so others. And always bring down the price and check prices. And what in fact the money? For fish? 4. Subjects. Estimating Layouts and themes, you know – in the first place on effects on consumer advertising and the creation of associative links, is the image of the female body. And, regardless of gender of the consumer.

Further, a large margin, are dogs-cats, flowers and other Bibs. Never use in advertising babies, even if the children are selling pots or diapers. Use the mother. The more so that it will buy most often, Dad. After seeing the story, actually pay for that, check out the author's work or whether it is seamless (especially the nudity), and whether you have a problem then or unpleasant residue of stolen consumer goods. Then find a spoon, and the residue will remain. Y audience. In public so to speak. And you work with him. 5. Black PR. PR White does not happen. It is always a process of people who were not asked about it. PR is effective, then it hayut. Is normal when you are feeding a bunch of useless and poite, the poor and zhurnalyugi arrogant. If you climbed into it – do not be shy. The main form a correct opinion of people whom no one asks. Naturally. Here in the course of all. Bibs And as mayor of the kids honey nourishes and simple truth, like the state of his wife, and a dirty lie, we will not repeat. Permissible all that effective. For you or against. You do not you. If you do not have a PR, then PR is for you. Without asking. So, do not moralizes, but watch out for the budget PR campaigns. And be always ready to shake off the noodles with the ears. Better yet, do it regularly. For prevention. The main organization in your advertising – new ideas. New ideas on the eternal themes and spinal cord. Do not get smart. Like – not like it. That's all. Make I nice! Do not want beautiful? So do not do at all.