
Lost objects: The way most efficient to find something that disappeared is to give three small jumps for Is Longuinho, to put the saint must be long. Cats: The average age, one gave credit that the black cats were witches transformed into animals. Therefore the tradition says that to cross with black cat it is bad luck in the certainty. The msticos, in meanwhile, they have another version. When a black cat enters in house is money signal arriving.

Acariciar a cat attracts good luck. To have a cat in house attracts richness. If a cat to fold its legs and if to lie down on hidden them them leaving is signal that a storm is for coming, is very good for clarifying that cat is not mother-in-law. Mirrors: Who to break a mirror will have seven years of bad luck. To be if admiring in a broken mirror is still worse.

It means to break the proper soul. Nobody must also be looked in a mirror to the light of candles. It does not allow despite another person if looks in the mirror at the same time that you, make everything this if your image is horrible. Umbrella: Inside of house, the umbrella must be always closed. According to a tradition, abriz it inside of house it brings misfortunes and problems to the familiar ones, it only opens will have leak. Spiders: Spiders, crickets and lagartixas represent good luck for the home. To kill a spider can cause misfortune in the love, therefore your house is a garbage. Toast: If its cup to contain some type of alcoholic beverage, not toast with nobody whose cup contains drunk without alcohol. Vocs will have its inverted desires, you are truth you can become gay or lesbian. Broom: To place a broom with the handle for low behind the door makes the visits undesirable to go even so soon.