The daughter of a bourgeois family, his father was of Basque descent from Malaga and his mother Scottish. He studied at the convent school of the Assumption in the final year and also gives classes in the school of poor girls. He spends his summers in England and Scotland. It works in Sussex, England, as a Spanish teacher. In Malaga, in 1905, meets Ceferino Palencia Alvarez, art critic and son of the famous actress Maria Tubau, and they married in 1909. Madrid debut as an actress in the play Pepita Tudo, written by her husband.
During his time as an actress working for London-based news agency Laffan News Bureau and the British newspaper The Standard. With her sister and a friend founded the magazine The Lady and Life Illustrated, the first magazine for women in Spain in 1908. Start typing in various Spanish magazines Herald, New World, Black and White and The Sphere. By 1918 he joined the Spanish National Association of Women (ANME), created by the Malaga Maria Espinosa de los Monteros. In 1920 he participated as a delegate to the Congress of the International Alliance for Woman Suffrage, held in Geneva. His section of the newspaper El Sol-Chronicles Women, “the firm as Beatriz Galindo, pseudonym also used in some of his works and collaborations, as in the newspaper La Voz. Part of the board of the Lyceum Club, where he became vice president with the Malaga Victoria Kent. In 1929 he was president of the Spanish Women’s League for Peace and Freedom began working as a correspondent for British newspaper the Daily Herald.