It is also clear: the mail is not obsolete yet long in times of social media, especially in comparison to Twitter messages, it provides maximum freedom for individual design and enough space for longer messages. “In addition a second problem: just the active are networked Twitter user so intense per Tweet is difficult to achieve, since the individual message in the light of the mass of the Twitter posts quickly overlooked” is. Similarly, for Facebook and blog posts. Here, the mail as an information medium can continue to play their advantages. But the social media should not be brought to conventional mailing strategies in a competitive relationship, but rather complement these, the SuperComm team advises. “Using sophisticated storytelling” can be the push-medium”E-Mail and the pull medium” social media promising match. A Example: Email a company encourages its customers to share personal experiences and test reports to its products. The feedback it generated is then evaluated and published in excerpts on social media channels like Facebook, the corporate blog and on YouTube.
Then starts a mail information campaign, which informs the customers about upcoming product innovations on the basis of the preserved user suggestions. As always it comes so well here on the right marketing mix”on, so the conclusion of SuperComm data Marketing GmbH. SuperComm data marketing company and Sven Nobereit:, SuperComm data Marketing GmbH operates successfully in the sectors of online and offline marketing since 2003. The portfolio of SuperComm data Marketing GmbH includes email marketing, the generation and provision of address pools and co sponsorship. More services, including the management of fax shipping, from banner advertising and CMS-driven websites rounded the full realization of the SuperComm data Marketing GmbH. To the SuperComm data Marketing GmbH’s reference customers include international media agencies and leading tour operators, airlines and hotel chains. Sven Nobereit conducts the business of SuperComm data Marketing GmbH. SuperComm data Marketing GmbH is Bonn. Contact: SuperComm data Marketing GmbH Alexander Thomas August str. 19 53229 Bonn phone: + 49-228-6881-103 Internet: E-Mail: