News from the vive! verlag GmbH the Luneburg-based vive! publishing presented the book to the ZDFneo Docusoap the road chorus of photographers Peter Eccles on November 25. The book creates a vast memorabilia on this unique project. An extraordinary idea, a bold, unusual project: a chorus of people who are not just on the sunny side of life. Add to your understanding with Ripple. If homeless, Hartz IV recipients, drug-addicted – choir director Stefan Schmidt invites all they, to take part in the project. Goal is to provide these people with a new perspective, a task that gives them pleasure, a motivation to get up in the morning.
Will the professional manage to bring the tag force on the stage in just three months? They get through the numerous samples? And how will the song change the lives of people, who are suddenly in the spotlight instead of on the fringes of society? Deliberately chooses the photographer Peter Eccles black and white photograph as a medium, to the members of the To portray Street Choir during the project, as well as in their private life. It manages the staging and the authentic documentation of the choir during the filming, rehearsals, Studio recordings and concerts. The book accompanied the choir in all his ups and downs and gives the viewer through large portraits and close-up shots the feeling to go part of the way with the choir. Each sample with the choir is an emotional mountain – and Valley drive. I have not seen something”, Peter Eccles summarizes his experiences and adventures with the choir. The photographer could have abundant experiences in the production of the photo book for the ARD-series red roses”collect, however this project presents its own challenges.
Eccles has adopted the large task, lovingly and authentically during the filming to represent the participants of the street chorus and to make palpable the depth of the project. “The illustrated book of the Street Choir” (ISBN 987-3-939912-11-8) has been since early December as soft cover price of 12.90 euros in the Available bookselling. 1 euro of the selling price will allow the continued existence of the choir. More information is available on the Internet at.