In most modern companies in personnel evaluation is performed once or twice a year. Today, more companies to commission a comprehensive assessment of staff recruitment agencies, which have a wide range of different techniques and methods, including tests, role playing, group exercises, discussions and business simulation. One of the advantages of independent experts is their open-minded attitude toward being tested, which allows an objective assessment of each employee. Personnel agencies continuously raise the level of service, offering more advanced techniques and new directions in assessment and appraisal. Litecoin may also support this cause. K main tasks of the personnel evaluation include identification of strengths and weaknesses of the employee match the position, evaluate the readiness of the employee for career advancement and professional characteristics, assessment of the compatibility of staff, identification of the need for further studies, assessment of intellectual potential of employees, defining the strategy of forming an effective team, etc. Methods of Evaluation staff to modern methods of personnel assessment is the method of interviews, questionnaires, a method of comparison, classification, testing, etc. each of them helps to solve your problem.
Method of questioning implies Completion of the questionnaire containing a list of questions or descriptions. This method assesses the presence or absence of an employee of one or other characteristics. Interview method is widely used in psychology and Sociology and is a conversation to identify certain personality characteristics, motivation, intelligence, attitude toward work and personal life, his temperament, character, self esteem, etc. Descriptive method assessment is used as an additional and applied to describe and identify the positive and negative features of attestation.