
Continuation of the recordings audio of missiology Council Vatican II (1962-1965) document classes Papa Juan XXIII which is the goal of Vatican II? The spiritual and pastoral renewal of the Church. To respond to the current demands. Send among Christians. Dialogue with the world, and of universal evangelisation. You must enter in the unity among Christians. Papa Juan XXIII announced the Council on January 25, 1959. The conversion of St.

Paul is also celebrated, and summoned him in 1961 with the Apostolic Constitution Humane Salutis). To give beginning on October 11, 1962 in Rome, at St. Peter’s Basilica. This historic meeting of bishops, Cardinals, along with Papa Pablo VI, happened then Papa Juan XXIII in 1963 the Council was conducted in 10 sessions spread over 4 stages annual. Up to the 8 December 1965, in which enacted all the documents officially. Attended 2540 bishops on all continents.

In addition to the theologians, experts, experts in theology, auditors and Auditors. They were also representatives of other Christian communities as a novelty. The reform and the Orthodox. What is the line of force of Vatican II? The Church, sacrament of salvation. Transparent sign, and bearer of the mystery of Christ, for all peoples. In the beginning of the Constitution Lumen Gentium is given this programmatic explanation about the Church Sacrament, in the first chapter he points out. The entire document of the Council, can frame, in the Lumen gentiun as soon as, that if the Church is a sacrament, i.e. sign of quality, of God’s people, as a sign erected to all peoples. All members of God’s people, according to their own vocation, and service, according to the hierarchy, the laity, consecrated life. They are called to be renewed in holiness. Assume your condition of Pilgrim Church, which is also universal sacrament of salvation. Maria is figure, type model, and personification of This Holy life and missionary of the Church. Virgin and mother. In its eighth chapter the L.G. The points out. The Church is therefore driven by the saving of the father, for the mandate of Christ, plans and by the action of the Holy Spirit. You have to put all means to enforce effectively the plan of God. That put Christ as principle of salvation for the whole world. 17 LG from the contents, which gives us this document the L.G. makes more sense to see the pastoral approach of the other Conciliar documents. The Constitution Dei verbun introduces for example a church that custody and guarantees strictly such revelation. That has been given by God to all mankind, wants to propose authentic doctrine about revelation, and its transmission so everyone listen it and creates. And believing wait, and waiting for love. The Sacrosantum Concilium, invites the Church to focus on the Paschal mystery, especially for the liturgical celebration. So therefore presenting the Church to those who are outside, and as a sign erected in the middle of the Nations, so low on him, gather in the unit the children of God who are scattered, until there is one flock and one Shepherd. Gaudium is Espes already had the sense of the Church, being supportive in the world, you can’t be outside it, trace the guidelines so that the Church is inserted in the world, with its Evangelical values. The mystery of the incarnation urges the Church assume this aptitude of solidarity with all peoples.