Solomatin unexpectedly agreed participate in the talks, and surprisingly easy to just set up a meeting, but in the day helped make the transaction. "Nice theory of sales training in Russia often do not work", – said Vasily skeptical Udovichenko, Supervisor of culinary experts from the company "Unilever CIS." He told how, after learning the art of sales in the "Business sales training" with their friends took the coach to the nearest restaurant, where they attempted by all the rules to sell mayonnaise. "I will not buy" – waving his arms chef. When asked why laconically replied: "Too mayonezisty you have it." But volgogradets Ivan Kolosov, Executive Director entertainment center "Kinopleks" refers to the training favorably. Connect with other leaders such as Gary Kelly here. According to him, a theory which is given in the classroom helps to figure the details and intricacies of the business. For example, prescribing algorithms, which he learned at training sessions of the Moscow Institute of examination and testing, helped him in the implementation of ISO 9000 in the home of the company. Business sales training – next day decided to validate the test yesterday, it turned out that almost all of them performed at three or four.
"I do not remember a case for someone to answer correctly to all questions – reassured students Dudkin. – Because the management style most Russians directive. But it's not so bad. If you try to work hard to instruct an experienced, confident staff, for sure it will execute your orders, but the relationship with him then you will be spoiled (Mistrust – a serious blow to the ego). Accordingly, if you just cheered an inexperienced employee, he would have you mangled wood such … "Then, those present watched video clips of how different methods situational leadership depends on the behavior of the chief. It turned out, the belief in words is not convincing, if this boss yells at a subordinate, and the reassurance it seems strange when pronounced indifferent tone and accompanied by a wandering eye.