Follow-up to the launch of Dresden – with great enthusiasm in the regional media the launch of the career and employer portal was recorded on Friday, the 19th 02.2010. “A nationwide unique pilot project the IT industry of Germany concern the lack of expert” radio brocken initiated coverage of the new portal. Also the response to RadioPSR was positive: “the IT industry in Central Germany is booming, so professionals be sought again and again. “This now easier to work with the new candidate and career portal” and the added: “the idea is not new, the sister Portal already shows great success”. More reports about the Eroffnnug of the community were MDR television and the Sachsenspiegel of MDR 1 radio Sachsen, Leipzig. In a press conference to launch representatives some of the community informed explanation of the project and their own experiences the interested public. Dr. Jorg Klukas, Managing Director of pludoni GmbH and, Community Manager explains the need for a community such as for the industry and in particular the region of central Germany.
Frank Schonefeld, CEO of T-systems MMS GmbH, addresses the need for excess of 1000 professionals annually. Therefore companies in the region to support each other through cooperation to avoid a brain drain. Anja Kutzler, head of science and human resources management of GISA GmbH knows from personal experience, that had to be canceled often very well qualified candidates for different reasons and with a community as these candidates will receive a legitimate second chance. Thomas Nautsch, Business Director of perdata GmbH emphasizes the economic benefit for the region if well-qualified applicants in this region and industry can stay. Stefan Gartner, employees at SALT solutions, talks about his positive experiences he had as a candidate with the sister portal and to what extent he could benefit. In the subsequent business lunch the ITmitte portal was officially launched.
Thomas Nautsch, Business Director of Perdata GmbH, observed a continuous development of his company and the industry and an associated need for new, qualified employees. Dr. Frank Schoenefeld sees a hidden (R) evolution in our daily work”. “Through the development of new web2. 0 technologies open new communication channels, as a network of interactions” referred to, which lead to a new form of dialogue. Thereby arise new challenges for all companies, especially the IT industry, where interactions between employees, companies and the customers are an important pillar of value added. Finally, the portal is started by Dr. Jorg Klukas and the representatives of the community common and pressing the Start button.