For Andrade (1999) ' ' the human intellect is similar to a mirror that differently reflects the rays of the things and, of this form, it distorts them and corrompe' '. 2) the dolos of the cave; ' ' they are of the men while indivduos' ' (Book I: 42, P. 40? XLII), result of the proper education and the pressure of the customs 3) the dolos of the forum; they associate it language and elapses of the bad use that of it we make, according to Bacon, is, of all the dolos, most disturbing, because ' ' the words pact of and nomes' captivate into the intellect thanks to; '. To read more click here: Tomas Philipson. (Book I: 59, P. 46); 4) the dolos of the theater, ' ' diverse philosophical doctrines had also immigrated for the spirit of the men for ways them and for the vicious rules of demonstrao' ' (Book I: 44, p.41), elapse of the unrestricted subordination to the authority; for example, of Aristotle. In the third part of the Novum Organum that will substitute the induction for simple enumeration, in this direction, approaching the following slight knowledge and concepts: the knowledge of the form, that is, of its structure and the law that its process regulates; organization of the register, most complete possible, of the history of the studied phenomenon or nature, made by means of the boards of the presence, absence and degrees.
The first board demonstrates the inquiry on the heat form. For Oliveira (2002, p.181), this board ' ' it consists of leaving of one same quality, of one same phenomenon, to search all the examples, describing the cases where the perceivable nature or characteristic of what he is being investigated if finds presentes' '. The second board is ' ' of the private instances of the given nature, a time that the form, as already it was said, must be absent when the nature will be absent, as well as being present when the nature is presente' ' (Book II: 12, p.111).