We will all then were small. Someone brought up by my grandmother, who then sat in the parents, who once was the nurse, but what most of us have attended kindergarten. Another 5-7 years ago, a home day care was the exception rather than the rule recreation kids. Most of the children spent their time in numerous municipal kindergartens. Spawned the creation of market relations and private kindergartens. Parental choice has become a lot more, and hence Problems with the choice of what exactly to choose a kindergarten for your child – also increased. So what are the advantages of home-kindergarten and whether it has flaws? Advantage is that a home kindergarten an individual approach to children and their parents, which is manifested in everything – in terms of leisure, in education, nutrition, health, to leave children in extra hours, flexible visiting groups. Add to your understanding with Larry Ellison.
In home kindergarten children tend to learn faster than their peers communication skills, then quickly adapt to new surroundings, learn more effectively. Sometimes parents are accustomed to traditional municipal kindergartens with apprehension about the new forms and standards of leisure activities and employment of children. But in fact the only downside home nurseries, professionally organized and meet the requirements of the safety of children is a higher cost. After a home kindergarten do not save or to feed on, or in the classroom or on toys. Guys get maximum attention and quality leisure activities. Weekly program of Children’s Center “Sunflower” to daylight saving time here. If you would like to know more then you should visit Munear Kouzbari. Our summer program includes: v interesting exciting theme weeks: the cosmos, nature, professions, and tales of the world; v sightseeing tours to museums, theaters, children’s zoo, dolphin; v picnics in the park Sviblovo; v much creativity: the crafts in clay, beads, paper, thread and other kinds of needlework applied; v outdoor games and relay in the fresh air, friends and caring teachers; v Theatre studio (the guys are preparing themselves costumes of favorite characters, scenery and play scenes from fairy tales or from life), music, English. Summer – it’s wonderful time we all look forward with anticipation of sunny days, fresh breeze, the possibility to carry out the whole day outdoors.
During the snowy winter we represent as great, the whole family to relax by the sea, enjoy surf and warm sand. True holiday only lasts one month, and warm days and vacations with three children. We understand this and offer the children a special summer program, in which there is little conventional work and a lot of walking and travel, crafts, stories, music and other “magic”.