50 years met the overflow of the Brook Tamarguillo in Seville and the Carnation operation, reason enough for this exhibition, which has been held in the space Santa Clara, to become one of the most visited of the city, with more than two thousand hits since it opened its doors on December 19.Operation Carnation exhibition can be visited until 19 February as well, can be visited until next February 19. The space Santa Clara is located in the city centre, which can be accessed with ease from our hotels in Seville. The exhibition recalls the two events in the year 1961 in Seville, when the overflow of the Brook Tamarguillo (the flood, as it is popularly known to this fact), flooded large areas of slum of the city and the subsequent solidarity campaign journalist Boby Deglane headed from the microphones of Radio Madrid. This important sample of help from all Spain ended in tragedy, when a small plane crashed against the public expected the arrival of the caravan of aid, causing more than 20 deaths jubilant. This historical exhibition has 55 from different files as well as different objects from the time photographs loaned by different people who lived those facts, including letters and papers or magazines and newspapers. Along with this, the exhibition also an audiovisual presentation, with testimonies of people who remember the ephemeris..