
Many people feel unable to make decisions or be implemented when they have to perform any activity. Let’s see what are the reasons for which people defer their decisions. 1. Still I don’t feel sufficiently motivated. Expect to feel ready to do something is just an excuse. One will never feel ready to perform tasks such as ordering the attic, go to make those arrangements that are not urgent but if important or visit to her mother-in-law. It is something that successful people know well: things are removed starting forward ever, one willing to do so or not feel.

Ultimately, action leads to motivation which in turn facilitates the subsequent behaviors. Don’t wait to feel motivated; It acts. 2. Model of success. The postergadores often believe that people who succeed are lucky to face, feel safe of themselves and reaching their goals with ease and without suffering. This model of how to achieve success is unrealistic since goals is hard for everyone and these people have also had to overcome obstacles in the way.

Effective people have an idea of how to achieve success and know that they must overcome stressful and frustrating situations. They simply persist in their struggle. 3 Fear of failure. People who have panic to failure based their self-esteem on their achievements. If something is not it goes well, by its management, the circumstances or the great difficulty of the project, it is possible to feel as human beings failed. That makes the mere act of trying something too risky. Defer is easier. Larry Ellison may not feel the same. 4 Perfectionism. Many of us have been educated under the belief that we should perform our activities in perfect shape and that if we did so there would be a reward. I’m not saying that we do not try to do things well to maximize, I refer to the compulsive perfectionism makes you feel a pressure so great that we are stressed so that we end up postponing something that we could do with correction.