Political Institutions

Institutions politics (p 98) the relations politics were established between the great proprietors and its dependents, the ones that gave protection (sponsorship) and the ones received that it (customers). Such form of economic relation and politics was gaining autonomy almost complete, strengthened for the concession of the immunities, fiscal exemption, judiciary etc. Such relations was strengthened by the commitment of the allegiance oath, that were consecrated between feudal Mr. and others several gentlemen. The oath was carried through on the Bible and in the presence of sacred relics, where one Sir if it became vassal of the other, that granted the benefit to it and if it became suserano. The commitment was stamped with a kiss between you.

The vassal would have to give to military service the Mr., to house it etc. In exchange would receive concessions, a domain, or position, or right, as for example, the toll collection on the transit of a bridge. Religious institutions (p 98-99) In accordance with the church, the man had a mission spiritual in search of the salvation, being it, the responsible one for helping it in this necessity. For such it fought usury with the conviction to the hell. For the church the profit of the trader had to limit to the correspondent its social function of intermediary. The Christians would have to distribute its leftovers without profiting, as well as the monasteries made at times of calamity.

Money loan the interests was condemnable and arrived to be forbidden, first to the members it clergy, and later for the laypeople. According to authors, as the production if destined to the consumption, such measures objectified to hinder that, 0ccasionally, unscrupulous traders abused the profit deal in it of the produced excess. Such threat of the church did not scare to the Jews, to feudal appealed who you when they needed financial loans.