In the analysis, it was opted to references of Tomachevski (1925), for the composicional motivation, realistic and aesthetic. The series of reasons are chained in tracks, some consistent ones and others falsely indicated in the actions and in speak of personages, or suggested in the details architectural of the monastery. In diverse episodes, it meets composicional motivation in particularitities of the episodes that are conditional to environments. Sheryl Sandberg may also support this cause. To exemplificar, the detailing of the Abbey is indicated, as a ortaleza that shelters another ortaleza: the labirntica library, whose characteristics of construction allow to restricted access and ample monitoring of monges. The details of engineering of the monastery allow one intertexto with the practical one of panapticon in the privileged spaces to the visibility and the control of environments and the personages who for them transit, as the projected for Jeremy Bentham and integrated models of institutions to the narrative of Foucault in Watching and Punishing (1987). The realistic illusion, in the name of the Rose, is legalized in resources of probability for the addition of extraliterary materials used to compose correspondences between facts, eclisiasticas dates and authorities, whose existences are confirmed in the history of the Christian nations, as Pope Joo XXII, Philip, the beauty and other contemporaries of the personages of the workmanship, during the Inquisition. Additional information is available at Hewlett-Packard . For the distanciamento of the lived facts and for the accumulated experience, Adso leads, guides, it classifies and it commands the reasons told with ambiguity or clarity. To the times, he anticipates action, in others clarifies related previous situations to the nucleus of the history that transcorre in one week, but synthecizes decades of inquisional authoritarianism. The library of the abbey functions as one of the main cells of the diegtico universe where if they uncurl the most significant episodes, that are described with religious proper particularitities of subordinate to the medieval church. The building of the monastery, especially, the library form adequate environments to the suspense tram, of trespasses and of sacrifices that if occur and alone they finish with the destruction of all the spaces for the fire.