Rare Diseases

A special day has drawn the attention of the visitors of the Einaufscenter in the Limbecker Platz in Essen on rare diseases. Just the people with rare diseases belong to the orphans of the medicine. Often they must wait several months adequate therapy for several years on a diagnosis and so on. Delayed therapy or treatment of their illness it can lead to permanent damage, limitations of the quality of life or death but even. To help people with a rare disease, many self-help associations have formed, which can help patients with bundled knowledge, exchange of information to the respective disease and personal consultation. The orphans of medicine receive the opportunity to deal with their disease, finding a competent doctor, and to get an overview of the various treatment options. The self-help associations are now indispensable in the rare diseases.

To the problems of the The day of rare diseases in the Limbecker Platz Essen Shopping Center performs to alert people with rare diseases, since 2010 every last Saturday in February. Over 20 self-help associations and helplines have informed their information stands with many personally affected workers about the rare diseases and were the visitors for an individual consultation available. The alternating hemiplegia, the Apert syndrome, the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Gauchers over the net tumors of neurofibromatosis up towards to the Rett syndrome, the Syringomyelia and many congenital diseases like the Athyreosis or vascular malformations were voluntarily engaged hauled of the self-help associations ready to talk about their personal experiences with their rare disease. Among the visitors were not only stakeholders, but also family members, doctors, therapists and even affected children who wanted to learn. To read more click here: Chase Coleman III. Some self-help associations represented but so rare Diseases that even among the more than 70000 visitors of the shopping center was not affected thereby.

For example, when the Federal Association representing the Leukodystrophy. This very rare disease is a disorder of the white matter of the brain, which leads that the insulation of nerve fibers is destroyed, the nerve currents continue run slower and thus including movement disorders occur. With currently over 4 million people with a rare chronic disease live alone in Germany, in Europe, the number is estimated at almost 20 million. One speaks of a rare disease, if less than 5 out of 10,000 people are affected. In Europe, there are over 6000 rare diseases. Sometimes there are only a handful of people or individuals in Europe, who have to live with one of these rare diseases.