
It is common that the adolescent observes more the criterion of the parents of what of its friends, in substances that if relate to its future. However, they follow the ideals of its friends in what it says respect the options on its gift, in the accomplishment of its desires and current necessities. It is perceived in this manner, that the adolescent needs the support of the familiar ones, as well as of the group of friends, even so can have a distanciamento of the familiar seio in the adolescence, the demand that the young search in the family is of such importance as the required one for the friends. Both the relations are basic for the experience of the adolescent. The group and its differentials the groups can present differences between itself, not only in the conscription form, as in the form of organization, purpose and objectives.

However, all they possess determined characteristics, that had led to the following definition of social group, proposal for Fichter (1973, apud LAKATOS and MARCONI, 1999, P. 119): ' ' A collective identifiable, structuralized, continuous, of social people who play reciprocal roles, second definitive norms, social interests and values, for the achievement of objectives comuns' '. Sociologist Charles H. Cooley enabled in its studies, in the year of 1909, two distinctions to the groups, which, it calls: secondary elementary schools and. The conceptualization of primary group proposal for Cooley, cited for Davis (1961 in LAKATOS and MARCONI, 1999, p.124), standes out that these characterize for a close cooperation and association face the face: ' ' They are primary under some aspects, mainly because they are basic in the formation of the social nature and in the ideals of the individual. The result of this close association is, psychologically, certain fusing of the individualities in one all common one, in way that the proper individual ego if identifies, at least for several ends, with the common life and the intention to the group.