Many property buyers in Turkey are thinking about the possibilities of making a profit from renting it out. Real estate on the coast of Turkey can be leased long term (eg local residents) or weekly (Tourists). As the profits from the lease can expect about 4-5% of the price of real estate. On the Mediterranean coast of Turkey to find customers for delivery of property to rent in the long term will not make special labor. And wishing there at various price categories, and a small flat economy class and a villa with private pool. The main thing, of course, do not overprice. Furnish the property is optional, most facilities in Turkey are available without furniture.
Usually, except for the rent, tenants will cover the monthly payments in the complex (for the protection, care for the garden and swimming pool, etc.), as well as bills for electricity and water. Thus, the owner property, considering the amount of expenditures for payment of property tax and insurance, can clearly calculate their annual income. The main drawback of putting in the long-term lease is of course that the owner does not be able to enjoy their own property. More and more tourists coming to Turkey to stay not in hotels and in private apartments or villas. It is believed that renting real estate for rent weekly, you can earn more than at delivery in the long-term rentals.
It is indeed possible, because usually a short-term employment for a week, you can assign the same price as a month with long lease. However, with this method There are certain expenses that must be taken into account. First, the property must be fully furnished and equipped with all household items (dishes, linens, etc.) with the expectation of the number of people who can settle there. Secondly, in most cases the owner himself would have to pay monthly charges in the complex, as well as bills for water and electricity as well as real estate is usually a fixed amount of rent for a week without how much water and electricity consumed guests. However, even if you can rent property all week was, at least, the costs of its content it will cover. Rent short-term rental villas are the easiest, located in the resort town. Demand for apartments a little less. In large cities such as and , a lot of competition and rent property for rent weekly harder. When renting a property in Turkey very important to have a good management company. The Management Company will monitor the condition of the property, prepare for the arrival of her guests, as well as to help guests arrange the transfer from the airport, cleaning, car rental etc. The ideal option would be if the management company itself will also find clients to rent.