Right And Wrong Ways To Invest Your Time In The Set

In this article the author explains how to determine the prospects of your online business in the markets (populations) of the cis countries, depending on the pace of development of the company with which you cooperate. Now hard to find a man who would not know what network marketing. Typically, people learn about this business from their acquaintances, friends, parents, the Internet, and then start to work in a particular company. Interesting fact, based on normal human psychology: people who do not like network marketing business, be sure to give a negative assessment of this kind of activity for at least 12 friends, and if cooperation is interested in him – only 3! I hope you were more fortunate and you've heard only positive feedback about the network business and decided to cooperate with one company, which distributes its products means network marketing. But how Did you achieve success, what prospects await you? The answer will learn in 5 minutes! Assume the following situation: Peter has just signed a contract with the city of N and a representative office in this village has been working more than 10 years. The company managed to prove itself as a partner that can and should be trusted. Constantine signed a contract with a manufacturing company in the town of M, which recently registered its products and entered the market (population) keeping all the letters of the laws.

What do you think of them more quickly achieve the heights in a network marketing business, provided that they have the same high motivation and a desire to work? Of course, Constantine! Why? Because, in the first case, the consumer market is already closed! According to statistics: a period of rapid growth the company has for the first 5 years of work in the same market. Next 5 years – the company's growth several suspended and the market is already harder to work – this is due to competition. The Third Five-Year Plan – the pace of development of any company in all parameters are on the decline. In the last period of the new distributor extremely difficult to work – the market closed! Competition is fierce. The third period is very easy to determine, not only guided by the age of the company, but simply a banal question to a stranger on the street: "Prompt, where around here to be representative of the company " – If the counter without hesitation call your nearest office of your company, be sure – you work for this company in this market (the city) would be very difficult! In this case, only one prospect – a low income. Remember, one of the first questions you should ask your sponsor before signing up for a network marketing company: "How many years representation of the company is working in our city? "Yes, I agree. Well, that office has more than 15 years in one city – a measure of stability, but at the same time measure of competitiveness. Imagine an army established, you can easily find new business partners and consumers, as your sponsor is always ready to help – you are doomed to success.

Let's summarize the benefits that you get if you decide to cooperate with the company network marketing in the early stages of its development, provided that if you treat this kind of activity like the work, and not as a distraction: financial independence. Personal growth opportunity to help others. Partners business, you trust. Customers who are glad to see you. The opportunity to travel due to the company. Network Marketing – it benefits are the benefits this perspective, a way of life!