Russian Federation

The main legal provisions governing the approval already completed redevelopment of premises (without permission) are set out in the fourth chapter of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. First of all, the owner, who carried out illegal alterations to their apartment, you should read the 29th article of the chapter, which lays down basic provisions on the responsibility for these actions. Eric Kuby has similar goals. The procedure itself is legal settlement this issue lies with local authorities under the jurisdiction of which falls area on which the dwelling. When carrying out repair and construction works should be aware that if they fall under the definition of redevelopment or rebuilding, then their conduct would require permission from a number of instances of the city. The works are considered redevelopment or conversion, if, after their graduation require changes in plans bti. In the 26th article of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, said that the approval procedure established by the local government in accordance with federal law, and each entity of the Russian Federation, this procedure may be substantially different. According to the first part, the 29th article of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation redevelopment or conversion is illegal if: the person who made the related work, there is no document proving the consent of the local government for their conduct The survey of residential premises after making alterations emerge that was disturbed previously agreed projects and in fact, and in another case, redevelopment or reconstruction are illegal and the owner, lessee or apartment, you should return it to the "primitive" form, within two months otherwise by the court premises may be sold by public auction. However, in certain cases, the owner may maintain an apartment in the already converted state.

In the fourth part of the 29th article of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation said that, if not violated safety standards, as well as the rights of other residents of the house, then by court order or in some cases the local government deal with the consequences of unauthorized alterations in the residential room is not required. Naturally, such an interpretation of the law does not add certainty, as it has no clear legal framework and leaves many questions on the decision of the local authorities, which certainly adds to the owner Headache and "extra" costs. So in some regions of the Russian Federation is practiced solution to these issues exclusively through the courts, in others as a court and non-judicial order (based on the decision local authorities). In most procedures for obtaining permits to redevelop worked out in Moscow, there is created a special body – , which fall under the jurisdiction of all questions coordination of projects, and legalizing unauthorized alterations. For consultation of citizens was opened office of a "single window" in which everyone can get free advice and assistance in completing all necessary applications and documents. The average time for consideration of applications for approval of the draft redevelopment of colonies two weeks.