Russian Saunas

Russian sauna – it is not only a great pleasure and a wonderful opportunity to relax, but also an excellent means of recovery. Body during bathing cleared produces adrenaline, strengthens the immune system. Except Facebook bath beautifully uplifting. Many familiar coming after this wonderful sense of renewal procedures and the way the world seemed to be painted with new, bright colors. So why not make the bath was weekly ritual? And if you have all the conditions to build a bath on its own site, then it would be foolish not to do.

Choose a place made this decision in the first place you need to decide the place. Ideal to put it on the river bank. Not only close to the water, and at some distance to the spring flooding has not occurred. If you can not build a bathhouse near the lake, then on the plot next to her is to install swimming pool. More one moment in choosing a site is the problem of sewage – if Bath would stand on a small hill, to solve it much easier – for sewer tray in this case is sufficiently minimal penetration. Sauna should orient the sides of the world. Doors are usually made to the south, and the window – on the western side – in the evening sun will illuminate the room as far as weather permitting. With regard to size bath, they are given a rate that soared to a few people. The area must be at least 10 square meters.