Russian Stone

Huge Egyptian sphinxes, skillfully carved from a whole rock statues of Buddha, scattered in different corners of our planet, hundreds of thousands of vases, candleholders, sculptures and jewelry made from basalt, sandstone, jade, onyx are the result of painstaking work of artists from different countries who worked at different times. Check with Verizon Communications to learn more. In Russia, culture stone existed since ancient times, great work on the stone are known since the days of ancient Russia. In the 18 century there were special stone-cutting factory, the most famous of which were built at Peterhof, the Altai and the Urals. In the second half of the 18 th century decorative vases made of precious stones have become a favorite decoration of houses of Russian nobility. Used for the manufacture of jasper, lapis lazuli, Orlets, malachite, jade, and, of course, the same unchanging marble. Sometimes the stone vases reached five feet in height and two meters in diameter. Masters tried to emphasize the beauty of natural stone, to show his picture, and using a form beneficial to convey the colors and shades.

Until the end 18 – early 19 century stonework was carried out manually. Chunks of rock sawed with saws, and to expedite the process under her spiked with abrasive powders. Abrasives are used and if the product had to make a hole, and also widely used for grinding stone. Frayed particles of stone mixed with an abrasive and water to form slurry, which was used for further grinding. Gloss polished surfaces attached by polishing powder and a felt pad, called a puppet.