According to Teruel society of photography: exhibitions this year, dedicated to Spain, gather several proposals. The luxury of having all the national awards for photography, the wonderful connection of images of Chema Madoz and Teruel surrealism, oneiric travel Diaz-Maroto, Andres Fernandez and Pilar Garcia Merino, or social criticism of Daniel Zolinsky. For more specific information, check out Bernard Golden. II June 30 June 30 to August 30 inauguration Festival international photography Teruel point Photo 2009 20.00 hours exhibitions: national awards for photography wallpapers collection Alcobendas Museo Provincial de Teruel / / / Chema Madoz dream of the bishopric of Teruel objects / / / Juan Manuel Diaz Burgos desire Government of Aragon room wall / / / Jose Maria Diaz Maroto invisible Valley School of Arts and crafts / / / Royal Photographic Society of Zaragoza stopped time cloister of San Pedro / / / Andres Fernandez October country Museum Provincial lodge room / / / Pilar Garcia Merino worlds dreamed up Chamber of Commerce / / / Daniel Zolinsky turtle Tower of El Salvador / / / Angel j. Torres Windows seminar / / / Luis J. Loras We are family Caja Rural de Teruel / / / Uge strong Sanz throbbing to the beat library / / / Damaso Aguilar Torreon Ambeles silence / / / Nacho Navarro spaces / movement Tozal Fonda / / / Josedbey oblivion and loneliness Fonda El Tozal / / / Sara Torres colors of Ibiza Bar sin of Eve / / / Ramon Palacin Solos and duets Pub Tower / / / Teruel portraits photographic society, the human body II RALLY youth TERUEL point PHOTO downtown storefronts. On Friday, July 31, Chema Madoz, Cristina Garcia Rodero, Joan Fontcuberta and the rest of national awards of photography they steal them protagonists in Teruel younger generations which already demonstrated your skills when it comes to look at reality through a Chamber in the last edition of TPP. The International Festival of photography of Teruel again announces a competition for children under 14 years. With this initiative the Teruel Photographic Society aims to support and encourage interest showing the younger generations of the city towards this form of artistic expression.
In fact appreciate the response from last year as a success and are confident that the number of participants, twenty-two, is It will increase. The themes of the rally are free and pictures will be taken within the path that mark the organization in the historic centre of Teruel. Each contestant may submit up to three snapshots without Touchup – of those obtained in the tour. II Rally youth Teruel point Photo 31 of July. 17.00 hours. Square Torico projection night photographs II Rally 2 of August. 22.45 hour. Plaza de San Juan original author and source of the article.