Taisa Kudashkina and small Kuzya: Adaptation of the Child in Russia after living in America I would like to tell as an example the experience of a particular parent. By its twenty-seven years in business lady and a young mother Kudashkina managed a great deal: to get higher education in his native Omsk, to make a good career in Silicon Valley (USA), a family and start his own project in Russia. Now she – the founder, president and ceo of the new portal. A new way of life his work start in Silicon Valley, led the project at a distance, and recently returned to Russia to the whole experience knowledge and apply it at home. Currently lives in St. Petersburg, but since most of the team "tyulperov is located in Omsk, and in other cities have enough cases, she has a lot of of time in flight and in the negotiations. Year-old son accompanies her everywhere Kuzma.
Taisa is doing everything possible to maintain a balance between family life and work, besides they Kuzey without each other simply does not can. Fortunately, the boy is well mannered, the character is calm and easygoing, prone to the vagaries not, so that makes her working mother at least difficulties in business and travel. Adaptation of the child in Russia Kuzma was born and lived his first year in America, and after moving to Russia, as well as any child in this situation, is experiencing some difficulties. First, it completely changed not only the environment but also the whole lifestyle. .