
To follow the main ambient, agent risks causadoresde damages and its effect for the health of the worker classified porPONZENTTO, (2002): Biological risks are considered the bacteria, fungos, bacilli, peonhentos, entreoutros parasites, protozorios, viruses, sweat, animals. The physical risks are those generated by machines characteristic physical econdies of the workstation, the exposition if datravs of the diverse forms of energy the one that can be displayed ostrabalhadores, such as: heat, cold, humidity, noise, extreme vibrations, pressesanormais, temperatures, ionizing and not ionizing radiations, well comoo infra-sound and the ultrasound. Amongst the negative effect for the worker osmais frequent they are the cooled occurrence of fatigue, grippes and, deafness, nervousness (it estresse), problems of vision, migraines, electric risk of accidents, shocks, also fatal; fire sources. Neurological drownings, riots, pulmonary embolism, steo-muscular riots, cncerde some types and neurological problems. The chemical risks are the substances, composites or produtosque can penetrate in the organism for the way respiratory, in the forms of poeiras, fumos, nvoas, chemical fogs, products in general, you substantiate chemistries, fuel in general, gases or vapors, or that, for the nature of the activity deexposio, they can have contact or being absorbed by the organism through the skin, inhalation or for ingestion. Also desencadeadores include the risks chemical deexploses and fires.

The main effect for the health of the worker deacordo with the exposition are: silicose (quartz), asbestose (asbestos), mineral pneumoconiosedos of the coal, pulmonary illness obstrutiva chronicle, irritation, asphyxia, allergy, migraines, nauseas, sleepiness, death, among others. The mechanical risks are machines without protection, choqueseltricos, defective tools, inadequate equipment of individual protection, fire danger, material are of specification, inadequate storage, deficient physical arrangement, electric linkings deficient and edificaesperigosas. Amongst the effect for the health of the worker the main damages aotrabalhador accidents with falls, accidents with vehicles, commquinas accidents, ocupational diseases, visual fatigue, problems, fsicoexcessivo consuming, diverse traumas until the death.