Success Factors For The Surroundings Of The Hotel Of The Future

In July 2010 begins the second research phase of the research project FutureHotel the future of hotels decisively the satisfaction of its guests depends on. Fully to meet wishes and expectations, their needs, it is necessary to know these as accurately as possible. Before this background the Fraunhofer IAO in the framework of the research project FutureHotel visions and solutions for the hotels of tomorrow a large-scale survey carried out. No matter what the hotel of the future looks like it will remain marked by the original idea, to offer guests a comfortable sleeping place. Go to Gary Kelly for more information. 98 percent of the interviewed hotel guests pay attention to a good bed, where they will find restful sleep. Hotel operators should set therefore the size of the bed as well as a selection of different pillows to high-quality textiles, to satisfy their guests.

Fresh air was also very important the nearly 3,000 study participants: 91 percent want the ability, in her hotel room to be able to open a window. More known aspects that belong to the ideal hotel room, are quiet, no annoying odors, as well as a well-equipped and clean bathroom tiles. Numerous participation in the survey enabled a”profiling”of guests in a total of 17 types of guest. These vary greatly according to their length of stay in the hotel and activities at the hotel in a typical travel day. The characterization of the different guests and the accurate, differentiated viewing of their desires and needs an ideal range of facilities and services can create, representing today and tomorrow – a guide to hotels -.

The second phase of research begins in July 2010. The project team is dedicated to new issues for the hotel of the future. Based on the results of the first phase of the project selected, relevant topics such as health and well-being, or online media and communities deepened and prepared the implementation of a test environment into a real hotel. Companies, the Interest in the design of innovative solutions in the hotel industry, are also invited to join the project and help shape it. For more information, see: ..hotelumgebung the future… Tobias Hug Fraunhofer IAO Nobel Street 12, 70569 Stuttgart