Switching time GmbH is a new Member in the Xinnovations e.V. Berlin, the July 16, 2010 in the past few days completed the formalities for accession of the switching time of the Xinnovations Association. The network of IT professionals for network-based information technologies connects companies to create academic – tions, as well as Government and semi-government institutions to new alliances for technological innovations. The switching time is innovation service provider in the area of strategic early detection. We are actively engaging and encourage intellectual exchange through regular events.”says Andre winemakers, Managing Director of the switching time. A lecture on the Xinnovations 2010 (www.xinnovations.de) is the prelude of the commitment. This Conference organized annually by the Association will take place from 13-Sep 15, 2010 in the Humboldt University of Berlin.
“In the framework of the Economic Forum Internet of services” Lord winemakers on the topic: “feel the market, detect opportunities: recognize trends with IT supported innovation management”. Rainer Thiem, Chairman Xinnovations e.V.: I welcome the switching time GmbH. Together we alliances for technological innovations can forge and stimulate innovative collaborative projects”. Free the motto better the Xinnovations e. V. unfolds about Xinnovations e.V. by networking”numerous activities throughout the year, to forge alliances for technology innovation and to stimulate innovative collaborative projects.
Currently GmbH at the Freie Universitat Berlin in the compound is prepared by the Xinnovations e. V. and the is research science and business Conference of Xinnovations 2010 with other partners. About the switching time GmbH, the switching time GmbH was founded in March 2006 as a strategic business consulting in the information and telecommunication industry. Their core competence is in the area of innovation and technology screening. As a modern service provider for innovation, the switching time GmbH supports its customers at the early detection of innovations geared to their strategic business fields. In addition developed a series of IT-based tools, which can reflect innovation processes and control and time – and cost-efficiency. Press contact: switching time GmbH Andre Winzer Sorauer Street 3 10997 Berlin Tel + 49 30 6128 9260 E-Mail: