Federal Tax Service

– the environment – the situation in the industry in the region and others. 2. Control and reduction of costs is necessary to establish a plan to reduce costs, which should include basic and the most significant item of expenditure. Savings on low-value goods or services is unlikely to bring tangible benefits. One way to…

Middle Class Market

In any era clothing and footwear were the means by which a person could eloquently express themselves to others. Of course, to meet each other “on clothes” – a trend out of time, since the clothing, its value, brand, style reflects the social status, personality traits, occupation of the owner. The value of footwear and…

Methods For Evaluation Of Staff

In most modern companies in personnel evaluation is performed once or twice a year. Today, more companies to commission a comprehensive assessment of staff recruitment agencies, which have a wide range of different techniques and methods, including tests, role playing, group exercises, discussions and business simulation. One of the advantages of independent experts is their…

Consumer Confidence Index

Consumer confidence index in the spring of 2008 fell to the level of spring 2005 and was 44%. In autumn 2007 the figure was 58%, and the spring of 2007 – 76%. This is the sharp decline in the index on record since 2001. Methodology calculating the index of consumer confidence is to assess the…