It is not possible to be reckless erasing of false to a legitimate expression of the faith, since the differences with the Vatican are not on the Dogmas of Faith, moral Doctrine nor; simply, they are on the technically called norms ” disciplinarias” , specifically in which has to do with the sacerdotal celibacy 2;…
Tag: economy
General Regimen
Its main alterations had been the establishment of a ceiling for the benefits of the INSS (today in R$3.689, 66), the elimination by means of gradual process, of the proportional retirement and the substitution of the usual concept of ‘ ‘ time of servio’ ‘ for ‘ ‘ time of contribuio’ ‘. For the women,…
Garbage Tax City
Its content is original, observing the metodolgicas recommendations of UMB e> LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AM Municipal Assembly Municipal CMConselho Municipal CMCNConselho of the City of Nampula CRM Constitution of the Republic of Moambique CPCNCdigo de Posturas of the City of Nampula DSU> Department of Urban Services EDM – ADN Electricidade de Moambique? Area…
Federal Government Saving Bank
Everybody has a dream. Some desire to buy a house for the family, others dream of a new stand in the garage, others still have as goal to obtain to pay the studies and also have the ones that they desire if to marry. Whichever its bigger desire, always has the possibility to conquer it,…
Introduction Has a feeling generalized in the Brazilian society of the importance of if making a reform in the system tributary. So that the Reformation really happens valley to stand out that she is necessary to simplify the collect, to reduce numbers it of taxes, to increase the universe of contributors, to alliviate to the…
Credit Market
In the credit market we assume that, at the beginning of the relationship, the debtors are not equal and still withholds more information that the creditors. In fact the different types of debtors have different probabilities to pay its loans. As Mishkin (2000) the problem of adverse election happens before the transaction occurring: high borrowers…
State Economy
The economy of the State if bases on the sector of services, agriculture, the cattle one and the extrativismo. The main economic activities of Roraima are: Public administration, Commerce, civil and farming construction, with great potential for the tourism. The majority of the territory consists of aboriginal lands. The landmark of situated aboriginal lands in…
Elaboration Participation
The greaters of Farming In terms added in the figure-4, are possible to observe small changes signaling for a concentration of the VAIN one between the five bigger cities, in 1999 this participation were of 13% of the generated value and went up for 15% in 2008, in the monetary comparison between periods had an…
Periodical Value Economic
The product Direct Treasure has much synergy with the too much services given for HSBC Broker and, therefore, the option to adopt a tax of 0,30% to the year, the minor between the banks retail, according to bank. Eighth placed in ranking of agents of 2008 safekeeping, it affirms that the institution obtains to have…
World Bank
In the opinion of Grybowski, the present financial crisis has demonstrated that, in fact, " it did not exist a real wealth, but an economy of game, of casino, that did not consider the Dantesque and increasing poverty nor the suffering of million people, who yes are reales". Grybowski indicates that the Social Forum will…