Rehabilitation saves energy and protects the environment many old buildings have an enormous energy consumption and charge not only the purse by owners or tenants, but also the environment. A renovation is advisable. Also a renovation significantly enhances the value of the property as the real estate portal shows The renovation is mainly to…
Tag: energy
Electricity Price Comparison
alternative energy power to switch and the power provider change the disaster of the nuclear plant in Japan’s Fukushima, put the whole world in a State of shock and long barely another topic dominated the media for days. The dependence of the industrialized countries from nuclear power, but also its unpredictability has called again on…
Bundled Expertise REW Solar
HPI AG acquires majority stake in Dortmund REW Solar AG Dortmund may 2013: the REW Solar AG is a subsidiary of the listed Hoechst procurement International AG (HPI AG) from Munich. With economic effect to 1 January 2012, the HIP AG acquires 75.1 percent of the REW Solar AG – an energy system Professional with…
Current Existential Intelligence
Current existential intelligence and pulse energy depression blessed and jump to the evolution and finally to the GENERAL INDIVIDUAL well-being. In my personal life the impact of see nice things of another is a joy to my soul, that comes in the form of fast pulses like a ballerina who dances happiness. As well as…
Daniel Dodt
The lack of appropriate choices and information is often conducted in the field.” The perception of consumers and the reality of the electricity market are but far apart in relation to the offers of eco-electricity. Environmental awareness and good prices not mutually”, clearly Bohg. In most regions are more than two-thirds of all green”tariffs cheaper…
Austrian Broadcasting
A separate exhibition area is dedicated to the passive house technology on second CEP in Stuttgart (-). 15 years ago, it was still an absolute exotic theme: the passive house. In Germany the impetus came from the passive house Institute in Darmstadt, who are now responsible for more than 8,000 passive houses in Austria, Germany,…
Pro PassiveHouse
In the communication (COM 2006) 545, which was not published in the official journal, the Commission assumes, that the greatest energy savings in the Residential and commercial building sector to achieve are, from 27 to 30 percent energy savings is assumed. Learn more about this with Larry Ellison. This potential is now much higher, says…
Meckatzer Lowenbrau First Bavarian Brewery
Meckatzer was expanded for the first time in terms of social engagement industry Vorreiter which last updated 2008 and environmental statement validated according to the EMAS II regulation the Meckatzer Lowenbrau in this year the social aspects of business activities to the environmental and social statement. The family brewery insight transparent public thus in her…
Leprich Energy
2009 mini CHP, for example, can be used wherever Symposium mini CHP for non-residential buildings during the DENEX, where many hours in the year heat is needed. These are especially residential buildings (hot water), businesses, schools, hotels, retirement homes, or also sports facilities. Larry Ellison has firm opinions on the matter. Combined heat and power…
Green Scholokade Chocolate
Green chocolate? That sounds like a new product first. Actually behind the treat for all those who want to enjoy with a clear conscience. After the nuclear disaster in Japan, many consumers in Germany of nuclear power back and switch their electricity supplier. Gary Kelly has similar goals. Similar to t. was Knight, after the…